One Medicine, Various Conditions:
Traditional Chinese Medicine looks at the underlying cause of the symptoms. Because of this, it has been proven to effectively treat a multitude of conditions. We believe in an individualized treatment strategy that would address your root cause and where you are in your physical, mental, and emotional state at each session, so that we can achieve the best results possible. Here are several conditions that Acupuncture and Herbs can be of help. The list below is not exhaustive. For further details, please refer to the World Health Organization (WHO)'s approved list of conditions. If you have a question about a specific condition, please feel free to contact us for a consultation. * Pain - localized or pain that is in various parts of the body, including arthritis pain, knee, neck, shoulder, and back pain * Headaches - including migraines, cluster and tension headaches * Emotional symptoms - including anxiety, moodiness, depression * Hormonal issues - including PMS, menopause, amenorrhea (skipped or no period) * Fertility - female and male * Dermatological condition - including eczema, psoriasis, acne * Autoimmune diseases - Hashimoto, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Crohns disease * Insomnia * Digestive issues - bloating, constipation and/or diarrhea, acid reflux, SIBO * Cold / Flu - recurrent colds and immune deficiency * Stress - temporary, chronic * Allergies - hay fever, sinus infections, seasonal allergies |
Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment Modalities:
The practitioner may use one or more of the following modalities to facilitate healing process. Acupuncture: The insertion of sterile, disposable needles through the skin into underlying tissues at specific points on the surface of the body. Cupping: A technique in which cups made of glass are placed on the skin with a vacuum created by heat. Used to release stagnation to effectively treat pain, soreness, and also to relief congestion or chest tightness. Herbs: May be given in the form of pills, powders, tinctures (may contain alcohol), pastes, plasters, topical cream, or other forms such as raw herbs to be cooked. Cooked herbs may be given to take internally or externally as a wash. Herbal formulas may include plant, shell, mineral, and animal glandular extract. Used to enhance treatments and advancing towards health goals. Dietary counseling/Therapeutic Nutrition: Dietary recommendations and nutritional supplements in advancing towards specific health goals. * Herbal and Nutritional Consultation over phone or Skype for long distance patients can also be arranged. Please feel free to contact us for more information. Moxabustion: The indirect burning of an herbal compound (mugwort) on or near an acupuncture point. Used for treatments of chronic pain, abnormal bleeding, turning breech baby, and for tonification in specific chronic conditions. Essential Oils: Use of therapeutic-grade essential oils on acupoints for enhancing treatments as needed. Tuina: Traditional Chinese medical massage and manual therapy with acupressure in addressing pain and numbness. Electro-acupuncture: The use of very small amounts of electro-current to stimulate specific acupuncture points. Used in promoting circulation to address uterine lining issues, promoting follicular growth, addressing pain and numbness. Gua Sha: A rubbing on an area of the body with a blunt, round instrument. Used for pain and promoting circulation. |